Thursday, November 29, 2012

Comme ci comme ça

Aidan and I started speaking French spontaneously at the table, while he was working on his homework. Nothing particularly complicated.

Aaron was at the table with us, and Aidan directed a question at Aaron, "Est-ce que tu sais ce que je dis?"

Aaron responded in English, "I always want to say yes."

So, we encouraged him to say, "Oui," which he did.

A2: "Est-ce que tu n'est pas stupide?"

A3: "Oui."

M: "Il est intelligent, très intelligent!"

A2: "Est-ce que tu est intelligent?"

A3: "Comme ci comme ça."

And we all laughed :)

Sounding out words

On the drive to skating lessons today, Aaron was sounding out the words, p-r-e-d-a-t-o-r and d-i-n-o-s-au-r. He's discovered that he can use phonics for all words, and a whole new world has opened up for him!