Sunday, April 21, 2013

Missing Daddy

On Friday morning, as Skye was leaving to catch the bus to work, Aaron clambered for a hug goodbye. As he was snuggled in daddy's arms, he announced, "Dad, I love you better than mom!"

When I dropped Aaron off at daycare, he made a point of telling me, "Mom, Daddy is my favourite guy in our family."

I'm guessing, after some good snuggles and quality time with Dad, he's feeling better now. This morning, Aaron told me, "Mom, I love you as much as Dad now."

:) :)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Mommy, can I have a baby brother, Pleeeease?!?

Aaron has a friend, Oscar, from preschool who is very excited about becoming a big brother again. He has a second baby brother on the way.

For the past couple months, Aaron has casually asked, occasionally, if he can have a baby brother. The answer has always been a simple, "No," which seemed to pass acceptably.

Over the past week or so, however, Aaron has become more and more urgent about having a baby brother. I hadn't considered that this may ever be an issue for him, but it makes a lot of sense. Aaron has three big brothers, and two of them have the double pleasure of being both an older and a younger brother.

Last night, as Aaron was looking so despondent upon being reminded that he's always going to be the youngest in our family, I asked him if it might make him feel better one day, to have a pet again? He shook his head decidedly, "No."

He spent about 20 minutes, busily rearranging his bed, building a fort underneath the bunk he shares with Aidan. He proudly bounced into the kitchen to announce that he is giving his bed to his baby brother and he will have the fort bed from now on. This child is simply not accepting, "No," as an answer!

At bedtime, when we were settling in to read a story, Aaron looked at me quite sincerely and asked, "Are you making a baby now?" I told him I'm not, and we continued to get him into his jammies. A moment later, he asked, "Mom, when can you get love from Daddy to make a baby?" I responded that I get love from Daddy every day, to which he quickly interjected, "And every night?!?" I could see this conversation was at risk of getting away from me, so we picked up "Ferdinand," and read.

Oh, how Ferdinand reminds me of Aidan!! ;)

Aaron is so sweet and earnest with his longing to be a big brother, that I have to be careful not to snicker. Some of the things he says, really are adorably funny.